You wanted them, now you've got them!

I finally decided to upload my save files for my fans, here they are!

I uploaded them to two sites so you can chose your favorite, or incase one doesn't work. Enjoy!

Pictures of new project, as well as a few other things.

New project i'm working on. Currently just a Quarry but my plans for it may surprise you.

Just a picture of my reed farm, and a side view of my green house

A better view inside so you can see just how deep it is.

Upward view so you can see the beautiful sky light.

Just my tree farm, also with a hidden water system.

New blog site up!

I decided to make a blog, where I can post more than just videos, such as pictures, possible comics and stories, as well as my save file, which i've been getting tons of requests for. So keep in tuned!

Blog Archive