Birds Eye View

It's not much for today, but heres a good sky view of the city. (This isn't everything built so far. It branches out)



Please, do enjoy the video! Its a ride on one of the tracks. Sorry it isn't much :/ didn't have time to prepare. But again THANK YOU for bringing me to 100 followers!!

Bordercraft! Version 1.32 (Beta 1.3!!!)

Hey everyone!

We've got another update! This time we have all of them pesky new items and some awesome bug fixes! In addition, I did the armor skins so armor is visible on characters. Hoorah!

Version 1.3.2:


These are HD textures so you'll need to use the texture fix found here:

Bordercraft Thread:

Change log:
-Beta 1.3 items!
-Some stray pixel bugs
-Watch works! (64 version is still a bit wonky)

-Added GUI and items
-Adjusted crack animation
-Fixed textures with overlap or bleeding

-New lava texture
-Sign texture adjusted so text is legible
-Water and Ice color adjusted
-Removed some noise off of Glass
-Rails tile now
-Rest of the particles completed and properly placed (Note particle and fishing bobber added)
-Wild Grass Mod compatible
-Refined wood and door match more closely
-Grass texture adjusted

-Added new Beta 1.2 items

-First Release

Lumber Camp

Need wood? Well here is your source of wood! Thats right. Lumber camp! Simply take the big bridges 1 minute train route to get your free wood! Build houses! Create masterpieces! Or just burn it! Its FREE WOOD!

Now available in a chest near you.

I'm on a bridge!

Working on a bridge with a friend today. As soon as its complete (and we get a few mods installed/figured out) you're welcome to join!

Please don't feed the trolls! -sfxworks


Its back up
join naow

Tell me you're from the blog and ill give you a stack of any item you want!

I think today is a patch day...oh god.

Constructions de folie sur un serveur

En un peux moins de deux mois il est possible de créer des choses superbes sur Minecraft. La preuve avec ce serveur multi-joueurs qui envoie du lourd !

Découvrez la Map ICI.

Back to Normal

Well, every things mostly back to normal now. I built a good looking house. Admins have figured out MOST of their commands...and the server is finally stable.

Few things ill try to add if I get pointed into the right direction.

Glass carpet
....thats about it

Admins do /help for commands. Night!

Craft Spice (featuring Bordercraft!) :D

Funny Old Spice parody done by Kootra, Gassy, Dan, and Ze.

Check out their other videos! They're some funny guys.


Forgot I could ride this :D
Well, its a long walk home but ill get there. I figured how to give myself admin. Obscure, criz, raiku, darkz, you guys should have admin again. Use /help to view the details though.

For now, servers up. Admins revamped. Everythings a go.

Server is up!

Yep the minecraft server is back online! Everyone can enjoy now! Sorry it took so long

Admins, they'res a few changes...

Currently running on a new mod. Bukkit. Now we do have fire protection and a new Griefer protection system (big brother). There problem

I can't really find the admin list for bukkit so you guys are gonna have to roam as normal players for a few days. The addons (cuboid, xWarp, Teleplus) are still there. You just cant use them...not even I can until I figure out how to re-admin you guys. Ill try it out tomorrow but until then this is all I can do.

PS. if anyone can leave a comment and tell me how to fix the problem you get 100 internets.
Thanks! Happy building!

Halp for all

Ok, if you cant get on use an alternate login IPAlso if you cannot break blocks, make a stick and rightclick to break blocks if you cant with a pick

Have Hope

IP / Login

Final Resort for not able to login

HERE IS 1.2_2

Steam and twitter name

Look us up on facebook

Go to the very bottom of the page for a Chatroom, just a little test

Blog moved!

I finally have my own website now thanks to my good friend luke (SemanticX) and its -much- better!

Not only does the blog and design look so much better but it also has a build in forums and everything. The site is really well done and constantly improving.



New Lighting beds and half blocks for minecraft

So I just snapped a few pics of the bed and the lighting. I think the bed was a nice addition since you can sleep in it at night and wake up in the morning:

I'm not sure about the light. It just seems like a texture pack though it's nice and smooth:

The bed looks more like an army cot

Yeah, I really did carve this room out. The stairs at the far end now connect with Spiderhome and Waterfall Cove by way of another huge underground chamber.
The glass floor is over a zombie mob cube so you can see them.
I took this from a new tower. I'm still not sure what I'm going to make here. The pyramid roof is on top of the mob tower.
At the far end of the room beside the ovens you can see the collector for the mob tower. The door in the middle of the room leads to the zombie mob generator. I intend to make this an arena - some day.

Minecraft Beta 1.3

La nouvelle version de Minecraft est disponible depuis hier. Voici les nouveautés qui l'accompagnent :

- Nouveau système de lumière/ombres dans les options graphiques.
- Possibilité de crafter des lits. Dormir dans un lit permet de passer directement au matin.

- Possibilité de crafter des demi-blocs
- Ajout du Repeater/Delayer en Redstone

- Correction de quelques bugs

Et plein d'autres nouveautés à découvrir !


So a new update was put out today for minecraft.


Hmod (The mod that a lot of people used on their servers) no longer works.
Bukkit(The mod that was suppose to replace Hmod) isn't finished.
I(The guy that runs the server) don't know what to do.

Sit tight guys ill have something fixed up in a bit. Even if it is just a regular old server...

Dead Minecraft : le remake de Dead Island

Dead Minecraft

Vous avez certainement déjà vu le trailer de Dead Island, si ce n'est pas le cas je vous invite à le découvrir au plus vite. Admirez maintenant ce remake à la sauce Minecraft.

Minecraft sur iPhone, iPod Touch et iPad

Minecraft iPhone

Bonne nouvelle pour tous les fans de Minecraft ! Le jeu va être disponible cette année sur iPhone, iPod Touch et iPad. Seules les fonctions qui ont du sens pour un écran tactile seront visiblement adaptées. A suivre...

House Update!

Hey guys, i've been busy...But here is an update of my current house! All of this was done legit!
 Unfinished Tower
 Main Hallway in my spawn base
 "Living" room. Will put bed in when Notch adds them.
 Entry Way to the Branch Mine
 Finished farm
 Finished Reed Farm
 Two tier storage room
My castle I am working on. Not near done.


Sorry guys ever since iv finished this iv been sick. But here are some pics. Finished it :P

Oh ho... Publicity

We were just mention at

Also, our portals are up and running strong!



Enjoy your stay, we will have a map up soon

 Personal Twitter and steam

any suggestions post them in the comment section below

Pub Minecraft par Martin Waltz

Pub Minecraft

Le réalisateur Martin Waltz s'est fait plaisir avec cette publicité pour Minecraft. Totalement déjantée, elle risque de vous plaire à pas mal de joueurs.

Vidéo : Minecraft en vrai

Minecraft IRL

Cette vidéo absolument géniale transporte Minecraft dans la réalité. Du très bon boulot !

Et en bonus : le grenade en diamant !

New websites up! SMP sign-up's open!

Here's the link to my new site/blog

Here's the link to the forum which you need to sign up at

Here's the three important links you need for the sign-up

Smp update 2

Good news! thanks to the hard work of andrexx and myself(mostly andrexx) we've managed to get the smp running pretty smoothly and have pretty much everything working properly. Also I'd like to thank our wonderful testers, they really have helped alot, though sadly testing may be over soon. Might end it, wipe the world and white list tomorrow and open the smp to paying customers!

Also good news, I finally set up my own twitter, facebook and thanks to SemanticX I may have my very own website coming soon! complete with a new blog and forums! Anyone interested in signing up is required to sign up for the site.

Quick note, the lag issue is under control. You may experience minor lag at most though do expect more lag depending on where you're from. If you're located outside of the US then you're going to have a bit more lag than others.

Lastly, Runecraft has been removed, couldn't get most of the runes to work so instead we swapped it out with MyHome mod which is slightly easier and more noob friendly, atleast till we can find a better solution. We also plan on adding Iconomy soon so people can set up their own shops and sell various items, as well as an npc that sells impossible to obtain items. (Nether materials, Sponges, etc) for a higher price. Many more possible mods being added in the future as well but we're trying to take this one step at a time to avoid more mistakes and downtime.

Still a work in progress!

ok so I finished A LOT of leaves on that thing...I wish the darn thing would grow them itself

Not going to give you all a view of the tree yet. I honestly might ad on to it sooner than I thought. Or let it "grow". For now heres pretty good view of what you can see while you're near the top of it. Hope ya like it!

SMP info

No Griefng/Trolling
Don't swear excessively (alil is fine)
No racism
No hacking/Cheating of any kind
No spamming
Do not build inappropriate things.
Do not talk any other language than English in global or group chat.
Do not build within 30 blocks of an other player's construction. Unless he/she gives you permission.
Don't be a douche.
Don't beg the moderators for stuff.
Don't Bug Moderators unless its important

Don't junk up the place (Random blocks, messed up buildings, etc. Make things look nice)
Replant trees after chopping them down
Remove 1x1 towers, and other temporary structures after use

White Listed to reduce random idiots/griefers
Great quality server, 99.9% uptime 24/7
Anti-Griefing Tools
PvE server with selected PvP zones/arenas
Teleportation Pads you can make yourself.
Being able to play on a (simi) famous Minecrafter's server and possibly appear in future videos
Random Server events with possible prizes.
Animals and Monsters turned on.
Play on the same world as my LP series! (updated for v1.2 and slightly changed)

Plugin Features:
Fire spread turned off
Lava's ability to start fires turned off
Ability to "Lock" chests
Programs that allow easy reverse griefing
Ability to "Protect" Area's and Properties.
And many more to come!

In minior cases you get a few warnings, how many depends on the mood of the moderator.
In Servere cases, or repeated offenses you may be kicked or banned (Temparly)
In major cases, such as griefing or continual breaking of rules a perma ban may be issued with NO refund and
no chance of removal.

Rough draft of the rules and such, will be changed or edited as needed.

Important Info for Testers!
You'll have a few days to test the world and make sure everything works, enjoy yourself!
Be sure to build or do something! don't just stand around.
The world will be wiped/reset after testing is over, it sucks I know but its necessary.

Demande en Mariage dans Minecraft

Saint Valentin oblige, cette demande en mariage made in Minecraft tombe à pic. Cette demande est l'œuvre d'un développeur de Bioware qui a de la suite dans les idées.

Save File Compilation

"Boom Ready" (Old World, Panic room with "boom ready" self destruct button")

Cacti Farm (Old world, cacti farm from my cacti farm tutorial)

Christmas Special (Old world, Save file from my Christmas special Video)

Old World (The world before I started my LP series and retired this one.)

Lp World (Latest save file from my LP series!)

Lp World, Virgin (My Lp world, completely fresh and untouched, slightly changed with updates from beta 1.2)

Musique de Tetris avec des blocs musicaux

Musique Tetris

Personnellement je n'utilise pas encore les blocs musicaux... Pas assez de talent pour ça. Mais quand on voit ce que certains arrivent à faire ça donne envie !

SMP update


It's still not up yet, they are in the middle of installing new server(just my luck) but that does mean I get a better server for free, basicly. On the other hand I won't beable to start work till tomorrow atleast. On the other hand it should be up by atleast tuesday but no promises.

Also if you signed up in my last post be sure to post your minecraft name here so I can add you to the whitelist, if you haven't posted on the other post you still have to.

Edit: Also post your youtube name or email so I can tell you the IP

Giant Tree (Under Construction)

Yep. Giant tree. Im still working on it (Puttin in some leaves, addin some branches) but it still needs some work. Just to give you an estimate the leaf block count so far is about 4500. Sooo :P

Anyway night folks and join our server!!!

Texture Updates

Please back up your minecraft.bin file and your save files before installing. Installing the texture pack -shouldn't- screw anything up but back up just incase you have problems. Don't whine to me if you don't.

1) If this is your first time installing an HD(Anything over 16x16) texture then follow the first video

2) If you've ran the HD fixer atleast once before and simply want to change out your texture without having to delete your bin folder, follow the second video



Sever Sign Up


I just paid for the first month of the server and i'm waiting for them to set it up, should be done sometime tomorrow. After its up and I've installed all the mods, as well as build the spawn base then i'll be picking random people to help me test it out.

If you're interested in helping me test it post here. Please do NOT post in caps, use any form of spam, post multiple times, or do anything annoying. Simply say "Please, Sign me up" to enter. Any other entries will be over looked.

IF you're interested in playing long term and are willing to pay 3 dollars a month(75 cents a week) then also post here to let me know you're interested. It'll be first come first serve in that case, if the que fills up you'll possibly have to wait till next month (Less than 15 slots are open, currently!)

New Admin

Yep give a round of applause for our new admin crizbitz! He will be watching you 0.0...or he will just do this a lot.

I havent posted the server info in a while so here it is.

Notch and SMP update

Long story short, I wasn't able to get onto the machinma realms smp and talk with notch OR nanners, they invited -tons- of random people from facebook but not a single person from the pre-selected list. I'm quiet mad but to be honest It looked really boring anyway so you wouldn't of missed much. I'm sorry that I didn't get to make it though, I really wanted to do something special for you all. I'm thinking hopefully I can atleast get seananners to do something with me, like perhaps even do a short QnA with me. I don't think i'm important enough for him to listen to me though so i'm not sure how I can get him to listen to my request.

Anyway, some good news and a lighter side. I plan on setting up my smp tomorrow, its going to take a few days to fix up but I will need some testers so I -may- randomly choose a few of my fans of all types to help me beta test, i'll do an offical video and pick people randomly from my comments. (No caps, spamming, or anything annoying or i'll just look you over)

Anyawy a few things I think i'm going to confirm about my SMP. It isn't free for me so I was thinking about charging a small fee, anywhere between 3-5 dollars to join (per month which is hardly anything) It'd be a -really- decent server, atleast from what I can tell. I'll have tons of interesting mods to make things more interesting AND help prevent griefing and make your homes and items much more safe. I have huge plans for this server and intend to make it awesome as well with tons of events for you all to enjoy and be a part of!

Some side notes I think I though mention, The fee for joining I feel will help keep away griefers, since I doubt many would pay just to grief me. Even if they I could easily ban them. Another reason I think a fee may be a good idea is, it not only keeps the server coming BUT pays for possible upgrades in the future, meaning more and more people! Lastly, Its to keep the numbers low to start, considering I know tons of you want to play and as much as I'd love to have you all, I simply won't have enough room for that many people. Fear not though! i'll think of tons of ways for people to possibly get in for free, such as contests and such, but that's still alot more planning before something like that happens.

As for donations, I'm thinking 3 dollars seems far enough to start, may increase it if I get a huge demand but that just means I can buy even more slots and have much less lag as well. The fee gets you on the white-list for an entire month unless you do something terrible to get banned, though if you make it on the white list then there's a good chance you're not the trouble making type to start with.

I believe that's the only info I have right now, i'll post more as its update and talk about it some in my video's, so be sure to keep watching and keep posted if you're interested. Also if you have any mods you'd like see added to the server then post them here or on my youtube, they have to work with Bukkit.

Edit: Oh yes! another thing about my smp? I plan to do something similar as Overwhelmed and film a video once a week(Though the servers will be 24/7) and have all of the members join in! I may even set up a vent channel and have you all chat with me LIVE!

Test Minecfart sur PlayerOne.TV

Test Minecraft

Encore un Test de Minecraft ! Cette fois-ci c'est la Web TV PlayerOne.TV qui s'en charge pour une note finale toujours aussi détonante : 19/20.

Vous pouvez revoir la vidéo ici :

Possible Tyken Smp?

Hey everyone, I was talking to Andrexx (Overwhelms awesome friend) about setting up my own server and I think I could get a reasonably priced server up and make it really kick ass. Of course I'd have to pay for it but I think it'd be pretty cool and a great use of funds. I have to still set things up and not -everyone- would get to play...but if you're interested lemme know.


So I was playing around with a few admin commands today and I discovered a new command. Its basically 1 hits all blocks you whack at. So, I got to thinking...

What I gave everyone in the game just one diamond. Ya know just to start them off. Great idea! I put the container
of diamonds down a small hole so no one would really notice it. I also included a nice little sign.


If you happen to fall through the whole...Well lets just say theirs a little surprise for you in the end.


Were live and linked to

PCG old

To Connect to

Our logins (to use portals, in testing)

To look at the map

New Saved Minecraft Game

I don't know if anyone enjoys messing in other peoples worlds or not but I've been uploading my saved games. You need to extract the folder (I used 7zip - free is good!) and then put it in [Ussername]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves and name it "World5." If you already have a world5 make sure to temporarily change the folder name, before putting in the downloaded folder, so you don't accidentally write over your game. When you're finished with the downloaded save just delete it (or whatever) and change your folder name back.

Anyway, I just finished going on a giant explore and built a little cabin in the woods miles from the spawn point. There is a compass in one of the chests so it shouldn't be too hard to find your way. The game was set on peaceful for this save so there won't be any nasty surprises right away.

I just finished a new mob tower and it works awesome; the collector is in Gravehome. Be warned though because Gravehome isn't finished and there are lots of monsters running around. I also built a nether portal under a new flat. There is so much new stuff it's impossible for me to list it all. There are around 250 mossy stones at Waterfall Cove. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with them.

There are also two mob traps that I built around dungeons and then forgot where they are. Neither was working very well so it's not much off a loss. The mob tower works way better anyway.

Latest wals:

Giant Mob Statue
Inside Statue

Sugar Plantation

Spider Exhibit

View From Statue

Nether Portal

This Is Where You'll Start

Lakewood Cottage

 Latest Maps:

The Isometric map is HUGE! (34 MB) So you can get it from Hotfile if you really want it: Isometric map.

I'll be putting this world on a server soon. I'm not sure if it'll be public or not since I want to avoid grievers (people who log on and destroy as much as they can). I still have to figure out how the security will work.

Blog Archive