SMP info

No Griefng/Trolling
Don't swear excessively (alil is fine)
No racism
No hacking/Cheating of any kind
No spamming
Do not build inappropriate things.
Do not talk any other language than English in global or group chat.
Do not build within 30 blocks of an other player's construction. Unless he/she gives you permission.
Don't be a douche.
Don't beg the moderators for stuff.
Don't Bug Moderators unless its important

Don't junk up the place (Random blocks, messed up buildings, etc. Make things look nice)
Replant trees after chopping them down
Remove 1x1 towers, and other temporary structures after use

White Listed to reduce random idiots/griefers
Great quality server, 99.9% uptime 24/7
Anti-Griefing Tools
PvE server with selected PvP zones/arenas
Teleportation Pads you can make yourself.
Being able to play on a (simi) famous Minecrafter's server and possibly appear in future videos
Random Server events with possible prizes.
Animals and Monsters turned on.
Play on the same world as my LP series! (updated for v1.2 and slightly changed)

Plugin Features:
Fire spread turned off
Lava's ability to start fires turned off
Ability to "Lock" chests
Programs that allow easy reverse griefing
Ability to "Protect" Area's and Properties.
And many more to come!

In minior cases you get a few warnings, how many depends on the mood of the moderator.
In Servere cases, or repeated offenses you may be kicked or banned (Temparly)
In major cases, such as griefing or continual breaking of rules a perma ban may be issued with NO refund and
no chance of removal.

Rough draft of the rules and such, will be changed or edited as needed.

Important Info for Testers!
You'll have a few days to test the world and make sure everything works, enjoy yourself!
Be sure to build or do something! don't just stand around.
The world will be wiped/reset after testing is over, it sucks I know but its necessary.

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