Minecraft Beta 1.4 LIBERADA! (atualizado x3)
Galera acabou de lançar, fomos o primeiro blog Br a postar, depois postaremos mais informações ;D
Minecraft Beta 1,4:
-Adicionado Biscoitos
-Adicionado lobos domáveis:
-Dormir em uma cama agora redefine a sua posição de spawn
-Novo logotipo Minecraft
-Apertando Shift ao subir em escadas verticais o personagem para
-Aranhas não destroem mais o cultivo
-Lotes e lotes de infra-estrutura para as listas de estatísticas e conquistas
Obs: Caso o seu MC seja pirata, atualize-o com o MinecraftSP que eu postei aqui no blog
Espaço DuduMassari,
Minecraft shared game and fileserve tutorial
As promised I have saved and uploaded the game: Apvia March 31 2011.
So I'm going to explain how to download from Fileserve since it can be complicated and it isn't very obvious. If anyone knows of a better way for me to share this game please let me know. TIA.
Anyway, it's a good idea to learn how to use these file sites since you can find all kinds of goodies on them and they are a hell of a lot safer than bit torrent or file sharing apps.
When the windows download box opens just hit "save"
That's it.
Basically they all work like this.
So I'm going to explain how to download from Fileserve since it can be complicated and it isn't very obvious. If anyone knows of a better way for me to share this game please let me know. TIA.
Anyway, it's a good idea to learn how to use these file sites since you can find all kinds of goodies on them and they are a hell of a lot safer than bit torrent or file sharing apps.
When the windows download box opens just hit "save"
That's it.
Basically they all work like this.
Espaço do Internauta: Giba
Fala galera blz? segue mais vídeos do nosso amigo Giba vlw!
Flw ;D
Flw ;D
Espaço do Internauta
Minecraft - Comedia - 1
Sobre os servers estamos em manutenção , talvez domingo esteja online o servidor
Videos Minecraft
Sortie de Minecraft Beta 1.4 aujourd'hui (31 Mars 2011)
C'est aujourd'hui que devrait sortir Minecraft 1.4, c'est Notch qui l'a annoncé sur son compte Twitter.
Malheureusement, les Statistiques et Succès n’apparaitront que dans la prochaine mise à jour car ces derniers ne fonctionnent pas pour le moment.
Malheureusement, les Statistiques et Succès n’apparaitront que dans la prochaine mise à jour car ces derniers ne fonctionnent pas pour le moment.
Map seed
Here are some more strange encounters I had getting back to Apvia. I think the new seed collided with the old one to create this huge wall. It reminds me of a fault line.
I finally made it back.
I finally made it back.
To do list.
Move and organize planes. (check)
Reconfigure permissions.
Learn how to /protect areas.
Install more random mods.
Finish server's website.
Cosplay Minecraft #2
Réaliser son costume Minecraft semble toujours aussi simple :) Par contre, se déplacer déguisé en Creeper ne doit pas être très évident...
Constructions Minecraft : Notre Dame de Paris
La Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris inspire visiblement les architectes en herbes de Minecraft. Ces deux constructions nous le montre bien. Reste plus qu'à trouver le courage de réaliser les mêmes bijoux architecturaux...
minecraft Journal entries
desktop paper,
Une pensée pour le Fanta Bob Show
Tout joueur francophone de Minecraft qui se respecte connaît TheFantasio974... celui qui nous a permis de faire nos premiers pas dans le jeu sans trop s'y perdre. Hier, son compte Youtube a été hacké et toutes ses vidéos ont été supprimées...
Nous avons donc une pensée pour lui et attendons avec impatience les nouvelles vidéos des aventures de TheFantasio974 et de son acolyte Bob Lennon.
Edit: Le retour des trublions, plus motivés que jamais
Nous avons donc une pensée pour lui et attendons avec impatience les nouvelles vidéos des aventures de TheFantasio974 et de son acolyte Bob Lennon.
Edit: Le retour des trublions, plus motivés que jamais
How to change your map seed
I wanted to change things up a bit with my world. I remembered that in my tutorial on how to recover a minecraft world I mentioned that you could but the world seed would be changed - and that was a bad thing.
Addendum: I went back and looked to discovered I didn't actually mention that the seed changes.
However, that got me to thinking; I could deliberately do that to create different regions in the world! Hey now! what a great hack that would be!
So this is what I did:
I backed up the world with a simple copy/past and saved it as "World5 - copy" (windows appends "-copy" to the name if you just paste in the same folder as the original - which I did).
I then created a funky new world with the gargamel seed. To do this simply create a new world and in the seed type "gargamel," save the world and exit. (Any seed will work but this one is famously good)
Now go into the gargamel world and copy the "level.dat" file (it holds the seed).
Return to your saved world (in my case World5) and replace that worlds level.dat with the one you copied.
If you want to keep your swag open an inventory editor first then save again after pasting.
Now start your original game and go explore!
This is a great way of starting a new world without losing your old one. Notch claims he is going to enable players to move their spawn areas in the next update.
My results were pretty cool:
The world isn't exactly gargamel but it's very different than what I would normally find.
I explored off the end of the Red Road and am now completely lost. When I find my way back I'll upload a new map and saved game.
Addendum: I went back and looked to discovered I didn't actually mention that the seed changes.
However, that got me to thinking; I could deliberately do that to create different regions in the world! Hey now! what a great hack that would be!
So this is what I did:
I backed up the world with a simple copy/past and saved it as "World5 - copy" (windows appends "-copy" to the name if you just paste in the same folder as the original - which I did).
I then created a funky new world with the gargamel seed. To do this simply create a new world and in the seed type "gargamel," save the world and exit. (Any seed will work but this one is famously good)
Now go into the gargamel world and copy the "level.dat" file (it holds the seed).
Return to your saved world (in my case World5) and replace that worlds level.dat with the one you copied.
If you want to keep your swag open an inventory editor first then save again after pasting.
Now start your original game and go explore!
This is a great way of starting a new world without losing your old one. Notch claims he is going to enable players to move their spawn areas in the next update.
My results were pretty cool:
The world isn't exactly gargamel but it's very different than what I would normally find.
I explored off the end of the Red Road and am now completely lost. When I find my way back I'll upload a new map and saved game.
change seed,
gagamel hack,
gargamel seed,
minecraft hack,
Novos Servers
Pessoal , estou aguardando o meu processador , quando chegar devo fazer um servidor.
Horario de Funcionamento :
-Segunda a Sexta:
10h até as 15h
19h até as 22h
-Sábado e Domingo
Sábado - 10h até as 23h
Domingo- 10h até 20h
Eu vou avaliar se continuarei a primeira semana será uma semana de teste , as pessoas que participarem POSITIVAMENTE poderão ter seus videos postado aqui no blog.
Server do Minecraft BR ON
Server ON
ON Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você precisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você poderá estar sujeito a ban
4-Explore todo castelo antes
Quando vc entrar no server vai pedir para se registar basta escrever ''/register e a senha'' dps de registrado basta escrever ''/login e a senha'' e pronto ;D
Ban: Caso faça algo de errado será chamado pelos ADM's e terá sua pena, 1 ou 2 dias de prisão (sim no nosso castelo temos a prisão) caso mesmo assim insista será banido do servidor
Obs: Server restrito a 10 jogadores por vez
Vlw =)
ON Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você precisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você poderá estar sujeito a ban
4-Explore todo castelo antes
Quando vc entrar no server vai pedir para se registar basta escrever ''/register e a senha'' dps de registrado basta escrever ''/login e a senha'' e pronto ;D
Ban: Caso faça algo de errado será chamado pelos ADM's e terá sua pena, 1 ou 2 dias de prisão (sim no nosso castelo temos a prisão) caso mesmo assim insista será banido do servidor
Obs: Server restrito a 10 jogadores por vez
Vlw =)
Espaço DuduMassari,
Notch confirme la sortie de Minecraft 1.4 pour cette semaine
Après Jens Bergensten, c'est au tour de Markus Persson de confirmer via son compte Twitter la sortie de Minecraft Beta 1.4 pour cette semaine.
On planifie de sortir la 1.4 cette semaine. Les "statistiques" et les "succès" demandent plus de travail que prévu.
Server do Minecraft BR OFF
Por culpa de griffers tive de fechar o server
agradeçam a ele seja lá quem é ele
agradeçam a ele seja lá quem é ele
Espaço DuduMassari,
Power Outage
Sorry guy the server will be down for a while. Everything is saved but the power outages reset a lot of config files I had up. It also re closed the ports when it reset the router. Ill have it up either this evening or tomorrow.
Espaço do Internauta: Giba
Fala galera, tudo blz? O espaço do internauta de hoje é do meu amigo Giba segue os vídeos:
Vlw Pessoal
Vlw Pessoal
Espaço do Internauta,
Videos Minecraft
Aviso: Novas Redes do Hamachi
Como tinha muita gente conectado a 2redes ao msm tempo eu deletei todas e começei algumas novas segue elas:
Senha: 123
Senha: 123
Espaço DuduMassari,
thekeyofgb is a bad person
I didn't even give this guy admin and he somehow banned all of us?
Well hes on the banlist now.
Silly hacker.
There should be no more problems.
Well hes on the banlist now.
Silly hacker.
There should be no more problems.
thekeyofgb [/] logged in with entity id 24265672011-03-27 15:41:16 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] thekeyofgb: /ban sfxworks2011-03-27 15:41:17 [INFO] Freed 132.7910385131836 MB.2011-03-27 15:41:26 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] thekeyofgb: /ban crizbitz2011-03-27 15:41:28 [INFO] Freed 81.3034896850586 MB.2011-03-27 15:41:31 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] thekeyofgb: /list2011-03-27 15:41:32 [INFO] Draoga [/IP:PORT] logged in with entity id 24266572011-03-27 15:41:40 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] thekeyofgb: /list2011-03-27 15:41:53 [INFO]hallo 2011-03-27 15:42:13 [INFO] [PLAYER_COMMAND] thekeyofgb: /ban draoga2011-03-27 15:42:14 [INFO] Freed 57.24189758300781 MB.2011-03-27 15:42:23 [INFO] Disconnecting Draoga [/IP:PORT]: You are banned from this server!2011-03-27 15:42:34 [INFO] thekeyofgb lost connection: disconnect.quitting2011-03-27 15:42:36 [INFO] Freed 59.592315673828125 MB.
Server do Minecraft BR ON (com mudanças)
Server ON
E ae, manutenção de ontem foi para uma grande mudança:
ON Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você precisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você poderá estar sujeito a ban
4-Explore todo castelo antes
Quando vc entrar no server vai pedir para se registar basta escrever ''/register e a senha'' dps de registrado basta escrever ''/login e a senha'' e pronto ;D
Ban: Caso faça algo de errado será chamado pelos ADM's e terá sua pena, 1 ou 2 dias de prisão (sim no nosso castelo temos a prisão) caso mesmo assim insista será banido do servidor
Obs: Server restrito a 10 jogadores por vez
Vlw =)
E ae, manutenção de ontem foi para uma grande mudança:
ON Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você precisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você poderá estar sujeito a ban
4-Explore todo castelo antes
Quando vc entrar no server vai pedir para se registar basta escrever ''/register e a senha'' dps de registrado basta escrever ''/login e a senha'' e pronto ;D
Ban: Caso faça algo de errado será chamado pelos ADM's e terá sua pena, 1 ou 2 dias de prisão (sim no nosso castelo temos a prisão) caso mesmo assim insista será banido do servidor
Obs: Server restrito a 10 jogadores por vez
Vlw =)
Espaço DuduMassari,
Banned admins?
This is the new OP list. These people will only have admin and we are no longer looking for admins. Thank you people!
Ps. I unbanned you all. Some chaotic admin banned you.
Server do Minecraft BR OFF
Desculpa galera, mas a manutenção do server levou mais tempo do que o previsto, talvez eu reabra amanha
Espaço DuduMassari,
Server do Minecraft BR ON
Server ON
Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você presisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você podera estar sujeito a ban
Vlw =)
Até a hora que der ;D
Para entrar no sever você presisa do Hamachi
ID's do Hamachi:
Senha: 123
1-Proibido destruir o que é dos outros
2-Proibido brigas/ palavrões
3-Não entrar em mais de uma rede do hamachi
Você podera estar sujeito a ban
Vlw =)
First in Flight!
I will be testing this today. If you want a seat you're more than welcome to get on! The launch will commence at 7:30 pm EST. We will be heading to a new area past the Nature Zone.
minecraft Modern House
I built a modern house from some blueprints I had. It's located in Lakewood over an unexplored cave where I think there might be a dungeon. The basement is unfinished but I'm going to make it lead into the cave (maybe Batman lives here). I'm not going to explore the cave. I'll leave that for someone else.
Minecraft squares are 1x1 meter which can be roughly calculated as 3'x3' (1 yard square) which is how I guesstemated the house dimensions. Simply divide given dimensions of floor plans by 3 to get the minecraft scale. It doesn't always work. For example I had to change the basement stairs a little to fit but that's part of the fun.
View from lake (not Lakewood lake) |
Entrance and garage |
Entrance |
Garage - the door leads to the utility room |
Living room/ kitchen - door goes to Sundeck |
Living room/Kitchen - stairs go to Family room |
Kitchen - door leads to utility room and garage |
Sundeck and hot tub (Red Road in background) |
Bedroom 1 |
Bedroom 2 |
Master Bedroom |
Master Bath |
Minecraft squares are 1x1 meter which can be roughly calculated as 3'x3' (1 yard square) which is how I guesstemated the house dimensions. Simply divide given dimensions of floor plans by 3 to get the minecraft scale. It doesn't always work. For example I had to change the basement stairs a little to fit but that's part of the fun.
blue print,
floor plans,
master bedroom,
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