Sever Update Status

Website & Server Synchronization success.
UI In the making. I just finished the design for it.
Leveling system reconfigured. There are no longer levels that say "You must be this tall to ride this item."
Authentication system dramatically upgraded and synced with the website.
Added local chat.
Tweaked server to DRAMATICALLY reduce lag.
Added temporary developer channel (email me if you would like to help out).

Reconfiguring Map Generator. (thechillhacker)
- Will extend past the 128 block limit allowing building at MUCH greater heights.
Programming the client side UI. (Galaxy)
Creating a simple installer for the UI. (sfxworks)

To Do:
Generate the map with the continents, rivers, and oceans. (Not as hard as I thought)
Add protection, mech, and data mods.
Design scheme for the site.
Transfer world data to the New Server.
Add PVP battle grounds & other PVP configuration.

ETA: ~2-3 days. The wait will be worth it guys. Hold tight.

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