Baby Animals Mod

I found this great and very cute mod that puts little baby animals in your minecraft world. It's super easy to install.

You can visit the original site here: Baby Animals.

Here is my quick install tut:

Make sure you make backups of your files and exit entirely out of Minecraft before installing this mod.

You will need the ModLoader v5 already installed (I explain how to do that in the Millénaire NPC Village mod tutorial).

You'll also want the Audiomod. It isn't critical but it does add to the mod. The instructions for the audio mod are in the download but they are a little complex. I was careful to only add files and folders not replace them as the instructions stated. It worked. Maybe the way they said would have worked too but I wasn't willing to risk wrecking my other mods.

Download the and wolfpup.class.  Open Baby Animals with 7zip and drag the wolfpup.class into it, then close 7zip. Next drag and drop BabyAnimals_v1_7 into the C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods folder (don't extract). That's it.

Baby cows
A little chick
A baby lamb
A wolf pup

I want to say thanx to the makers of these mods. They really enhance the game.

Important: At this time, this mod doesn't work with the The Millénaire mod. It will mess it up.


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